WELCOME TO WINBATCH! This disk contains the WinBatch Interpreter version 4.0h, and our WinMacro product. WinBatch is the Windows Batch Language that you can use to real real honest-to-goodness Windows batch files to control every aspect of your machine's operation. There are more than 200 different functions to allow you to do *anything* with WinBatch! WinBatch supports DDE, Networks, and all Multimedia devices. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS WinBatch requires an IBM PC or compatible with a minimum of 2 megabytes of RAM, running Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or higher. *** SPECIAL BONUS FOR REGISTERED USERS *** Registered users receive our new "Dialog Editor" which allows them to graphically construct dialog boxes, (a lot like the Visual Basic dialog editor), and other utilities to help make programming WinBatch files a tad easier and faster. *** LATE-BREAKING NEWS *** WinBatch 4.0 is a major update from previous versions. We are sending all registered users update letters. If you are a registered users and did not receive an update letter by Nov 1, 1992, then somehow we missed you. Call (800)-762-8383 and get it straightened out. This is WinBatch 4.0, a MAJOR update from previous versions. There are over 75 new functions (when compared to the 3.0 version). WinBatch has a new dialog box capability for real Windows dialog boxes. (Registered users even receive our new graphical Dialog Editor, which makes the programming of the Dialog boxes easier than ever.) The new WinMacro facility allows you to have menuitems on any and/or all applications, and to have HotKeys defined to do most any task. *** Be sure the following files wind up in a directory defined in your DOS PATH statement. WINBATCH.EXE WINMACRO.EXE WWWBATxx.DLL (where xx is some number like 11) WINMACHK.DLL WWWDEALR.DLL Also check the extensions section of the WIN.INI file to be sure the WBT extension points to the directory where WINBATCH is installed. *** FOREIGN LANGUAGE SUPPORT *** WinBatch now supports some foreign languages. English is built in, and the software attempts to examine your system, and, if you are using German or French, will configure itself to use German or French. More languages on the way. There is also "ValSpeak", which is both a parody on Southern California slang, and an example of how *some* messages may be modified for the end users. To access a non-default langauage do the following: 1) Examine the WWWDLANG.DLL file to determine the languages available. The file has documentation in it that will help you figure this out. (It is not really a DLL, you can look at it. It will probably be in your Windows directory.) 2) Edit the WWWBATCH.INI file and add an item to the MAIN section, something like: WWWBATCH.INI [Main] Language=ValSpeak *** Announcing the WinBatch Compiler *** Also available is our "WinBatch Compiler". With the WinBatch compiler, you can turn your WBT files into standalone EXE files that you can distribute on a royalty-free basis. Have a BIG network? Want all your users to run your WBT files? Compile the WBT files with the WinBatch Compiler and put the EXE's up on the server. Making specialized WinBatch files for clients? Don't want them modifying your files? Just compile the WBT files, and give the EXE to your client. Are you the "corporate guru". Get a compiler. Compile those WBT files and hand them out like candy. The WinBatch compiler, a separate product from the WinBatch Interpreter contained in these files, is available for $395.00, plus shipping, if applicable. PACKING LIST: Most files will end in a _ (underscore). Some of them have been compressed and will be expanded by the setup program, whileas the others are sinply renamed. In any case, the setup program (WSETUP.EXE) should take care of moving the files around. README TXT This File README2 TXT ...continued... WSETUP EXE The Windows-based setup program. WSETUP INF Information file for the setup program. WB__VER ??? A dummy file. ??? is the current version number. WSETUP2 OVL More of the setup program. The following files *might* be in either a COMMON or WINBATCH subdirectory in disk-based versions of the distribution files. WINBATCH EXE The main WinBatch EXE file WWWBATxx DLL A required Dynamic Link Library WWWDLANG DLL Language strings. WINMACRO EXE The main WinMacro EXE file WINMACHK DLL A required Dynamic Link Library WWWDEALR DLL A required Dynamic Link Library BROWSER EXE A handy file viewing utility WIL HLP A Windows helpfile on the WIL language. WILDOC MAN The technical reference for the WIL language. WINBATCH MAN The manual. Possibly compressed. NOTE: WILDOC.MAN and WINBATCH.MAN may not be on your disk if you have registered WinBatch and we provide you with printed copies of the manuals. DOSPASTE WBT Sample WBT file. How-2 paste to DOS apps. STONES WBT Sample WBT file. "Stones" game -- Can you count? STONES WTX Text file used by STONES.WBT for instructions ZOOMER WBT Sample WBT file. Runs apps from ProgMan as maximized. SOL WBT Sample WBT file. Solitaire with a timer. PKUNZIP WBT Sample WBT file. PKUNZIP shell. PKUNZUP WDG Dialog box definition for PKUNZIP shell. INTACTV WBT Sample WBT file. Allows for interactive commands. SYSINFO WBT Displays system information. INIEDIT WBT Easy INI file Editor. PLAYMIDI WBT Sample WBT file. Plays MIDI files. MCITEST WBT Sample WBT file. Allows interactive control of Multimedia devices. PLAY_CD WBT Sample WBT file. Plays Audio CD's. GLOBAL WDF Sample Macro definition file. For ALL applications. NOTEPAD WDF Sample Macro definition file. For NOTEPAD app only. SIMPLE WBT Sample Macro file. Just a simple little WBT file. STRANGE WBT Sample Macro file. Just a strange little WBT file. RUNGEN WBT Sample Macro file. A generic WBT file launcher. OPENALL WBM Sample Macro file. Opens Notepad filebox as *.* DATETIME WBM Sample Macro file. Inserts date/time into notepad. WEXPAND EXE File expander for manual installs (disk versions only) WEXPAN1 EXE File expander overlay (disk versions only) HOW TO INSTALL WINBATCH >>>AUTOMAGIC INSTALL Use our WSETUP.EXE program, which will copy the files for you and install a WINBATCH group in the program manager with various sample files. To use our WSETUP.EXE program... (Manual install instructions below) 1) Close down all extraneous Windows applications. 2) Double-Click on the WSETUP.EXE program 3) When the setup program asks for a directory, specify initial directory, or accept the given default (C:\WINBATCH). NOTE: If you are updating from a previous version, and made any of the WinBatch files READ-ONLY, remove the read-only attribute from the files before running setup. (Or else the setup process will hang) >>>MANUAL INSTALL The manual install is not actually recommended, but here is a little information you may need if you insist on doing a manual install. Any file ending with a underscore "_" MAY be a compressed file which needs to be expanded with the provided WEXPAND.EXE program before use. (This is mostly done with the disk based version of the product, not the ZipFile version) E.G. WEXPAND.EXE WINBATCH.EX_ WINBATCH.EXE For the basic installation, all you have to do is get the following files into a directory mentioned in your DOS path statement. WINBATCH.EXE WWWBATxx.DLL WINMACRO.EXE WINMACHK.EXE and GLOBAL.WDF NOTEPAD.WDF You will probably also want any file whose extension begins with W, as in *.W* *** Please help us out *** If you have received a regular licensed copy of WinBatch (what we call the retail version), your 3.5" disk might contain a shareware ZIP file of the latest version of WinBatch. If so, please help us spread it around - upload it to your favorite local BBS, send it to your company software librarian, or any other place where people who might appreciate WinBatch might come across it. Thank you very much. Please see the README2.TXT file for more information.